Turn Waste into Life
with Our Convenient Composting Services!
Why Compost? Did you know that up to 40% of your household waste can be composted? Composting reduces landfill waste, enriches soil, and helps fight climate change by reducing methane emissions. Let Compost Corner take care of your food scraps so you can contribute to a healthier planet and a healthier Prince Albert!
Our Composting Services:
Residential Pick-Up From $12-$22/month, we provide a pail, and pick up your food scraps weekly, biweekly, or every 4 weeks. We accept all food scraps, including meat, dairy, and more. We then transform them into nutrient-rich compost.
Commercial Pick-Up When you want your business to be part of the solution. Perfect for restaurants, grocery stores, and offices. We'll work with you to create a custom pick-up schedule based on your volume. Prices are tailored to your needs.
One-Time Pick-Up: Have a large volume of waste? Our one-time service is ideal for seasonal or event-based cleanups. Only $12 to pick up your extra waste.
Sign Up Today!
Let us handle your composting needs
What Sets Us Apart?
Affordable and flexible options for every household or business
Impact tracking through our customer portal
We help you reduce your carbon footprint while supporting local soil health!
Locally owned and operated, we are committed to making our community a better place to live
We Compost more than what you can in your backyard. We accept meat, dairy and anything that was alive once can go in the bucket.
Not in our Service Area?
We are looking to expanding our services to other Communities, through pick up programs or drop off bins. Contact us to discuss options for your community!
Composting Curious?
Why should I Compost?
Reduce your Waste
Landfills keep growing and new cells cost millions of dollars
40% of the waste in Prince Albert is organics (In other words, it could be composted)
·Help your plants grow
The nutrients in Compost act as a slow release fertilizer
Compost feeds your soil, so your soil can feed your plants
Compost helps the soil hold water, when soil holds water it does not run off the top, and you have to water less
·Bring life to your soil
Healthy soil is full of life! Let the life in the soil do the work for your plants
Compost is like a probiotic for your soil
Compost is the food that supports the whole soil food web
·Reduce your Carbon Footprint
Organic matter (food scraps, yard waste etc…) breaks down without oxygen when dumped in the landfill creating methane gas (a potent greenhouse gas, not to mention smelly)
Keep Carbon locked into the soil instead of the atmosphere
·Humans need to Eat, clean water and clean air to live
If you eat, you need soil. Whether it’s the plants we eat, or the plants that what we eat, eats. When we make compost, we return those nutrients to the soil, returning it back into our food, keeping us and the soil healthy. Nutrients are then never lost to the landfill.
Soil and the living plants that grow in soil help to keep our water and air clean..
“Composting in your backyard is great as you can make a soil amendment for free!”
— Keri Sapsford
Composting is a natural process and Compost or decomposition happens whether we intervene or not.
We can make it as complex or as easy as we’d like it to be.
The Wonderful World of Compost
I am fascinated by Compost and the Composting process.
There are so many ways to Compost your Food Scraps, like:
Bokashi Composting
Trench Composting
or my favourite the Aerobic Pile
I explore all things Composting in our Blog. So if you are interested in learning more, check out our composting resources.