Upcoming events.

Start at the Roots - Heal your Soil

Start at the Roots - Heal your Soil

Join Ashley - Soil Scientist with the YouTube Channel - Gardening in Canada to talk about Soil Health. Learn how to assess your soil health at home and steps to improve it. At the Prince Albert Public Library April 6, 2024 at 10:30am!

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Composting Lunch and Learn

Composting Lunch and Learn

Come out and learn how to Compost in your backyard as well as get a tour of the Saskpolytech Composting Facility where we take all the food scraps from the Cafeteria and turn it into gardeners gold.

We are opening it up to Students and Staff as well as the Public!

Room 209 in the Academic Building (Building off of 10th Avenue East, come in the front doors and ask the security guard for room 209)

Let us know if you’ll be there at the following link.


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Start your own Backyard Compost bin

Learn how to start your own Backyard Compost Bin. It can be as easy as recycling your paper and plastic plus you get a beautiful soil amendment for your garden or plants in the end. It’s a win win. I will show you how to make a Compost pile that will break down quickly, with no smells.

If there are more than 10 people sign up Free Garden Earth Bins will be available at a discounted price so you can start a Compost pile right away that looks neat and tidy.

Location to be announced before the workshop. If you are willing to offer your backyard so that you can have a Compost pile started in your backyard let me know!

There will be no cost to current Compost Pick up Clients who will be starting their own Compost now that we have paused our collection service.

To sign up please fill out the workshop sign up form below.

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to Jun 30

Planning for your Homestead

  • The Backyard and Compost Corner (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Throughout my entrepreneurship journey I have learned the importance of Planning for the success of my business.

After using a planning process that took into account your previous successes, trends, lessons learned etc… I wanted to plan for everyone and everything. It made my life so much easier, I could prioritize more easily and had a plan for each month, quarter and year. No longer was I scrambling with what would make the most impact that day, or what I should be focusing on, or just focusing on one thing for a while just to throw it out later as it didn’t align with what I needed to do in the long term.

Now I also know that we all have big dreams for our homesteads, yards etc… and it can become overwhelming to start or we start all of the projects, get overwhelmed and burnt out and we have a full yard of half done projects that never really get us where we want to go.

So I am developing a Planning for your homestead workshop so that we can work together to achieve your homesteading dreams!

Dates will be announced soon.

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to May 19

Spring Garden Party

  • The Backyard and Compost Corner (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Compost Give Back Day will be happening in May with our Spring Garden Party. We are waiting on the snow to melt and plants to be ready before we have a definitive date! But watch our Social Media, or sign up for our newsletter to be updated on when this event will be happening!

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Backyard Composting

Backyard Composting

Make your own soil amendment in your own backyard.

Reduce your waste and create something beneficial for your garden.

Keri has been Composting all of her life and professionally for about 5 years. So she has made all of the mistakes so you don’t have to. Come out to the Knotty Pine Bistro and we will go over how to make a compost pile at home, common problems and how to fix them, and then how to use the compost in your own backyard.

To purchase a ticket follow the link below.


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Introduction to Permaculture

Introduction to Permaculture

Permaculture fundamentally changed the way I viewed the world.  

While I had grown up on a farm growing my own food, composting and interacting with the land around me.  I still felt helpless when it came to the big problems in the world:

  • Climate change, 

  • Biodiversity loss,

  • Pollution, 

  • Soil loss, 

  • Peak oil, 

  • Financial collapse, 

  • The Apathy that goes along with the overwhelm we all sometimes feel when we watch too much of the bad news around us.  

But then I started seeing this Permaculture thing pop up and it intrigued me to think that:

"All of the worlds problems could be solved in the garden".  

Could it really be that simple?  I felt drawn to learn more and completed my Permaculture Design Course in 2015.  After a week in Invermere BC with Verge Permaculture I knew that I had stumbled upon something amazing.  

I walked into that course expecting to learn how to make pretty designs for peoples yards and gardens, but walked out with the knowledge that Humans can be a force for good and that we have as much power to destroy this planet we call home as we do to regenerate it into an abundant and thriving home that supports us.  

I learned that if you don't design the life you want someone else always will.  That individual action multiplied was the only way that this world was going to move forward.  That the problems of the world were not something that we were going to protest our way out of, but action was.  

I started looking at the Natural world differently too.  Not only was the forest, or my garden, or that little bug or ant something interesting to look at, it was showing me the way that the earth had evolved over millennia to have abundant and self sustaining abundance and that there were patterns to look at and learn from. 

No longer did the garden look like the place where you just worked and worked, it was a place where you could learn and implement natural systems so that the work was done for you.  I realized that Humans are a part of the natural world and always have been.  That we get to decide our impact on it.  

There is always so much to learn, but I am hoping that I can share some insight into how I went from feeling helpless to help solve the problems with the world, to feeling a great sense of hope in the action that I myself can take to make the world a better place for all to live in. 

Feeling helpless and focusing only on the negative has been proven to put a person into a freeze or flight state, which results in no positive action being completed.  However if we can look at the possibility of a better future and look into the future with hope instead of worry, we can actually take action and make some amazing things happen.   

The workshop will go through an overview of Permaculture Ethics and Principles for design..  These Ethics and Principles form the basis of design system for creating sustainable human environments.  

By the end of the workshop you will leave with:

  • A sense of hope for the future and your part in it.

  • Confidence in your ability to grow an abundance of food 

  • Confidence to design your yard and garden to work for you instead of you working for it.  

While we cannot cover all there is to know about Permaculture in 3 hours this workshop will point you in the right direction.  

You may have never heard of Permaculture, but it could just be the life changing insight you are looking for to take your life, yard and garden to something you are excited about! 

Permaculture is a design system that was created based upon the ethics of People care, Earth Care and Fair Share.  And based upon principles that have been observed throughout the natural world that create abundance! 

Coming up on April 8, 2023  I will be hosting the Backyard Introduction to Permaculture from 9am to 2pm at Little Red River Park just north of Prince Albert.  

So join me at Little Red where we will take some time outside to observe nature and then spend a bit of time in the classroom looking at different ways that Permaculture can help you! 

Spots are limited, book your spot today.

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No Till Gardening Workshop

No Till Gardening Workshop

If you love to garden but hate weeding and watering, join us as we explore no till gardening with Kim Ross. Through the use of permanent seed beds and mulch, no till gardening protects the soil's structure and can reduce the amount of water needed on the garden, prevent weeds from growing and increase yields through an improvement in the quality of the soil. Kim will share how she made the switch and the differences she has found in just two years of no till gardening.

Kim is a fourth generation farm girl with a 26,000 sq ft garden that feeds her family of six all year around as well as provides veggie baskets for customers throughout summer. She is a master photographer, master gardener and working on her Prairie Horticulture Certificate in both the fruit/veggie and greenhouse streams.  Join Kim on her facebook page @Rossdale Farms - No Till Gardening as she shares her love of gardening with others.

Kim Ross in her Garden at Rossdale Farms

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Seedy Saturday

Seedy Saturday

Gather together with other Gardeners on Seedy Saturday!

Bring seeds you’ve collected from your garden and exchange with other local gardeners! Purchase seeds from local seed vendors!

Watch experts give talks and just visit with other gardening folk!

Let us know you are coming and stay up to date on vendors and activities on the Facebook Event Page.

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