I want to make a difference and have my food scraps turned into Soil Boosting Compost!

How do I sign up for Compost Pick up?

So you want to sign up for Compost Pick up.

If you want the quick and easy answer, you can scroll up to the top right corner and hit the button that says sign up today and follow the steps.

However, if you are someone who wants to know what you are getting into before clicking that button, here is what you can expect.

  1. Click the Sign Up Today or Start Composting Button at the top of the page.

  2. Fill in your address information and we’ll let you know whether there is service in your area.

  3. Pick which service you’d like to subscribe to. We have 3 options, Weekly, Biweekly and Monthly pick up. We recommend weekly as it is our most convenient package!

  4. Let us know if you would like any additional add-ons. Kitchen Compost Catchers or Bag liners.

  5. Enter your payment information and monthly payments will be collected automatically. Cancel or pause service any time.

    Some additional features that you can access once you have an account.

    1. Skip service - get a $1 credit when you let us know when you won’t have your bucket out.

    2. Refer a friend - Use your own personal referral link to get your friend and yourself $10 off your next payment.

    3. Visit our store and get seasonal items, pail liners, compost buckets etc… delivered to your door on the next Compost pick up day.

    4. Get email notifications for pick up dates so you never forget to put out your bucket.

    5. Track your impact! The weight of food scraps that you’ve diverted from the landfill is recorded on your account. So you can see how much of an impact you have had by diverting your food scraps!

      And that’s it, if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us!